Our teaching materials are mostly in Afrikaans, as that is the home language of most residents of Klipplaat. However, the local Xhosa school also asked us to develop some material for them, so we have some resources in English and in isiXhosa. There are sound charts, worksheets, and story books. These resources can be downloaded free of charge. Please do so. There are so many children needing help out there.
Affordable Booklets
These black and white A5 booklets can be downloaded. Printing them typically costs about R10 per copy, depending on the number of pages involved. I usually colour in the outside, and cover the book in plastic, and then it is ready to be given to students to take home. People who practise reading at home, progress really quickly.
Stories we relate to
We believe it is very important that people learning to read should be able to identify with the stories that they are reading. The “Ben and Boet” stories have been especially written for rural children who love to make and play with wire cars. The “Piet and Sarie” series that starts with “The house in Klipplaat”, which features a family and their animals, is also written with township children and adults in mind.
Worksheets + Soundcharts
Sound charts are available in English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa. Two full literacy courses are now available: "Teach someone to read Afrikaans", for people whose home language is Afrikaans, and a new one called “Teach a Xhosa person to read”. Both can be downloaded free of charge.
Bible Booklets
Bible booklets in Afrikaans, English and isiXhosa are now available in the same inexpensive format as all the other A5 story books.