The Klipplaat and Aberdeen Recycling Project was borne out of a deep desire to help the community by providing a facility that would collect materials that were eligible for recycling and compensate those that collected and brought these materials in. Both communities have experienced a steep deterioration of municipal services including the lack of refuse collection. Refuse lies in the streets while most of the residents are unemployed.
Against this backdrop Five Loaves and Two Fish initiated the recycling project.
The First Step
The first step by the Klipplaat Recycling project was to secure the use of a piece of ground behind a spaza shop in August 2021. A donor provided funds and materials and the area was fenced off to house the recycling facilities.
Securing a Location
Similarly in Aberdeen a location was secured by a partner association in September 2021 and work started to renovate and make the facility ready for processing collected recycling materials.
Acquiring a trailer
Five Loaves and Two Fish was able to use Funds donated to acquire a universal trailer and a number of skips, containers and recycling cages. These are kept in the recycling centre below.

Children of the Community
Kids are our future. And they need every possible opportunity to start their day with enthusiasm and encouragement. From experience, children in communities are always willing to participate because of their inquisitive and enthusiastic nature to be a part of something. They get to experience fulfilment and receive something for their efforts, as well as they having social interactions with friends and people who inspire them. So putting emphasis on creating these opportunities for them by implementing our strategies in the school, will hopefully leave a hunger for change.
Youngsters help collect trash in the fields in Aberdeen.
These two boys are earning credits towards buying bicycles that have been sponsored by residents in Aberdeen.
For more info or to get involved with the Recycling Project please contact Pieter du Toit on +27 (0) 84 581 3166